Friday, July 29, 2011

Climbling Mt. Everest....

or maybe just Vulcan Pacaya. This was the final week for our Hall of Fame Intern of the century - Lexie Ware. Lexie has been with us for the past month - serving, loving, learning, and giving of herself. Words cannot describe the blessing she has been to our family over the last few weeks. We miss her terribly already. We decided to do some fun touristy things during her last couple of days.

Lexie & kids in Antigua.

Saturday, we took a boat over to San Juan and did some shopping. She was looking for a painting of the lake to take home. I was supposed to be helping her shop, but somehow I came home with three new paintings and she came home with nothing. Not sure how that happened...but here is the result.

Limes, Oranges & Watermelon - The paintings almost look like photographs.
Sorry - the pic is not great. Had to take it at a weird angle.

On Monday, we hit the zipline in Pana. We had the most amazing weather and the view was incredible. I have done the zipline once and was not too interested in going again, but Lexie wanted it to be a family event, so we all had to go. It was such a beautiful day - I'm glad I didn't miss it.

Then we drove to Antigua - stayed at our favorite hotel - Posada don Erickson. (Thanks Todd & Mo for a great time!) On Wednesday, we hiked an active volcano. Anna Kate and I chose to ride horses up the volcano, while Parker, Lee & Lexie walked up with a group.

Smoking crater!

You start below the tree line, where the path is shaded by tall trees and lush greenery. As we got higher, the trees were farther apart. You could see where the trees had burned in last year's eruption and new growth was beginning. Trees and shrubs that looked dead, with charred and burned trunks were springing fresh new life and growth. As we got near the top, it became a barren wasteland. It made us think of the moon - rocks, dust, darkness.

Where the tree line meets the lava line.

Lunar landing - walking through the lava fields.

Such troopers! Great view of the crater!

We came to a place where a great crevasse releases so much heat from the earth, you can roast marshmallows and hotdogs. We toasted marshmallows and ate smores. What a treat after a long ride/hike up the mountain. We also walked into a lava tube, which releases a ton of heat. It was like being inside a sauna. We were still a pretty good distance from the crater, but we were surrounded by heat being released through vents in the earth's crust.

Eating smores, roasted over the molten earth!

At the entrance of the sauna. Toasty!!

We were all tired and sore by the end of the trip, but loved every minute of it. We miss Lexie already. The house is not the same without her. Come back soon, Lexie Lou!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

La ultima dia.... or the last day.

Yesterday was our final day of serving at Eagle's Nest. I wanted to write about it, but I cannot put into words all the feelings, thoughts and emotions we experienced. If the cliche is correct, that a picture speaks a thousand words - I'll let these photos speak for me.

Estefany, slurping jello from a bag.

Consuela and Lexie

Consuela's family - faithful attenders of Manna.

A rare treat - playing with Lizzie on a blanket in the grass, in the SUNSHINE!!

Sweet baby girl, growing so fast!

Playing on the floor with the boys.

Baby Victoria - getting some love from Parker.

Love this kid! Ever helping make limonada.

AK and Claudia - stole our hearts 3 1/2 years ago.

Lots of hugs and pics.

Lexie and the girls...sweet smiles and funny faces!

The Lord was kind to us - we had many sweet moments with the kids yesterday. I leave them in his hands, knowing that He loves and cares for them far greater than I.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Designer Duct Tape??? Really??

Last week a friend from home brought us some surprises which were sent by Mimi (P & Ak's grandmother). Mimi surprises are always a treat, but I was very confused by 4 rolls of colored duct tape. When the kids talked to Mimi via skype, she explained that there are many crafts and fun projects you can make with this ultra-cool designer duct tape. Really??

So, we did a google search for duct tape crafts and projects. I was shocked by the number of websites with instructions for just about everything made out of duct tape. My kids are thrilled by this because their number 1 favorite show of all time is the Duct Tape episode of MythBusters. Now they are armed with their own duct tape - designer duct tape too - not just plain old gray duct tape.

So the project party begins. So far, they have made birthday present for daddy - iPhone carrier for his belt - tie-dyed color duct tape. They made a cell phone carrier for my purse - lovely black and white swirly design. Then we went for a big project - Purses.

We made a really cute purse for AK's friend who has a birthday this weekend. We used purple duct tape and we weaved it with the tie-dyed duct tape. We used gray duct tape for the edges and strap. It's quite the handy thing for rainy season, since the duct tape is water-proof. We can't wait to see Emily's face when she opens her stylish new purse.

Of course, we also made a new little purse for AK. Her's is black and white swirl duct tape, woven with neon green and a touch of gray.

All this time, I am wondering, "What will they think of next?" Who knows! But we have had a fun, crafty week coming up with clever uses for our designer duct tape. If you have any ideas for us, let me know...