Monday, December 9, 2013

On the blog again . . .

It has been almost one year since my last blog post. I didn't mean for it to be so long. I had good intentions, yet the words wouldn't come. At first, I thought I had writers block. Then, I thought I was just a little too busy or overwhelmed to write. I tried guilting myself into writing, I came up with a writing plan/schedule - and still nothing. I find that I cannot make myself write. Well, I can, but no one (myself included) would want to read it. When I look back at things I have written over the last couple of years, I remember the burning thought or idea that would not give me rest until I wrote about it. I felt an urge to share my thoughts and experiences about what the Lord is showing me with my fellow sojourners.

This past year has been different. I have had some of the most amazing experiences, as well as some of the most difficult days I have ever known. It has been a time of drawing near to the Lord and feeling him draw near to me. It has been intensely personal, not for the general public. It has been for me alone. Its interesting that I have never in my life been one that writes a prayer journal. Perhaps blogging was a bit of public journaling. This year I felt compelled to start writing my prayers. Instead of writing for others, I have written pages and pages of my thoughts, feelings, and experiences as prayers to the Lord. It has been a time of sweet intimacy between the Lord and me. I hope he leads to to share some of those experiences with you as I begin to blog again.
I sense the beginning of a new season; a fresh start. I feel a desire to write for others, not an obligation. I hope to see you back here as I write about some of my rambling thoughts and adventures on this road called life.

Thanks to so many of you who have waited patiently and gently encouraged me in this season.