Thursday, June 30, 2011


Greetings friends, I hope this post find you enjoying the warm, sunny days of summer. We want to make you aware of some changes and transitions in our ministry here in Guatemala. At the end of the summer, we will be leaving Eagle's Nest ministry (but not leaving Guatemala). We have put together a short video and website to give details and updates about these big transitions. We are excited to see what the Lord has next for us here in Guatemala. You can click here to get more information.  Please take a few moments to check it out.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

His presence in our life...

Anytime God asks you to follow him, there will be mountains to climb and valleys to forge. It's part of the walk of faith. Because we live in a fallen world, we will suffer in this life. Last week, I wrote that we have experienced some challenges and bumps on this wild journey with the Lord.  I want you to see, as I have seen, how He provides and cares for us in the midst of the storm.

I have been hosting a women's Bible study in our home for several months. Currently, we are doing Beth Moore's study of "A Woman's Heart; God's Dwelling Place." This is an in depth study of the Tabernacle. When God put Adam & Eve in the garden, he dwelt among them. They walked in his presence daily. After sin entered, God's physical presence was no longer available to man; until he instructed the Israelites to build the Tabernacle. He wanted to dwell among his people. They built a very specific structure where they could enter into his presence on a daily basis. God is always in pursuit of his children. He wants to be present in our life - everyday.

As I considered this thought, I looked back over the last few months - looking for his presence, his provision and protection in our life. I was amazed. We had two or three visitors from home in our first 8 months of living in Guatemala. In the last two and half months, we have had more than 8 different families or groups from home visit and serve with us here. God knew that we needed encouragement, love, support, friendship, family, and wisdom in our life over the last few months. He sent a flurry of people who love and support us. The Lord was with us in a hundred little ways throughout this time - during prayer, studying the Word, teaching etc. Yet he also chose to send his physical hands and feet to bless and encourage us. Those of you who have visited us in the last couple months have been like Aaron and Hur, upholding our arms during the battle, lest we grow too weary and lose the fight.

Here are just a few pictures of God sending his presence among us.

Mom and I painting nails and braiding hair.

Our kids and the Alexander girls teaching Bible verses at Manna.

Cat Marlow, Anna Kate, Me & Jeanine Marlow
sightseeing in Antigua. So fun!

Jake, Parker and Dorian - goofing off!

Lee Bob and Bubba Mike in the coffee shop.

NMC Sublime girls - painting....kinda!

Nothing like good friends!!
AK and Emma - NMC Echo team!

Thank you to all the families and groups for being the hands and feet of Jesus - the physical presence of God - in our lives over the last few weeks.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Best of times...worst of times...

"It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us...." Charles DickensA Tale of Two Cities

This quote from the beginning of Dickens' classic novel resonates deeply within me. We have been in Guatemala for ten and a half months. There have been many wonderful, funny, humiliating, beautiful, eye-opening, heart-breaking, mind-blowing experiences. It has been the best of times... and the worst of times. Our family has had some of the most precious and dear moments with our Creator, but we have also experienced the agony of suffering and affliction for the sake of the call.

I have been reading a book called, One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voscamp.  This little treasure of a book is slowly changing and transforming my heart and soul. The Greek word - eucharisteo means to be grateful, to feel thankful, to give thanks. Inside that word, chara means joy. The author asks a poignant question, "Is the height of my joy (chara) dependent on the depths of my thanks (eucharisteo)? .... As long as thanks is possible, then joy is always possible. The holy grail of joy is not in some exotic location or some emotional mountain peak experience. Here in the messy, piercing ache of now, joy is possible!" This is a profound thought to consider.

Things that bring me joy .... hydrangeas!

Can I really be thankful in all circumstances? There are plenty of scripture that speak to this idea, and yet I find it so hard to integrate when the storm is a ragin'. In an attempt to develop this discipline of thanksgiving in her life, the author started writing a list of one thousand things she is thankful for - the infinitely small things like shiny soap bubbles to the preservation of life after a potentially dreadful accident. Thankful for the good and the seemingly bad. "The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD." Job 1:21. Can I really do that? Can I really bless the name of the Lord when my life seems to be in the crucible? When God is crushing all that is within me which desires my own glory?

Love in my life = Joy!

I haven't finished the book yet. I am reading it slowly, allowing it to simmer - like a crockpot. Contemplating these ideas, challenging long-held beliefs and habits. I tend to be a stewer, it takes me time to process and think. My thought patterns are being transformed. Recently an incident occurred that was like a burr under my saddle. It was just under my skin - irritating me. Instead of stewing or worse, fuming - I thought right away - "how am I thankful for this circumstance?" I wasn't immediately thankful, I needed time to process it, but I immediately knew the end goal for my mental, emotional and spiritual being. Work toward thanksgiving! Press on to that goal. When I chose to pursue thanksgiving, I chose joy and contentment in all circumstances. Suddenly, the burr didn't seem to have as much power. Slowly, I was able to thank God for continuing to transform my heart and my mind - even in challenging or painful circumstances. The transformation is worth what is costs.

What are you thankful for today?

I'm pretty thankful for these bundles of joy! Even our little coneja (bunny)!