This world is broken.
I don’t need to tell any of you that do I? In the last 24 hours we have seen plenty to remind us just how broken this world has become.
I know of a precious Guatemalan grandmother, blind in one eye and half blind in the other. She is the primary care giver of her two young granddaughters. They have been left behind since their mother’s new family doesn’t care to provide for her children from a previous relationship. When we visited her this week, she had no electricity, no firewood to cook on and no candles with which to see. They are alone and vulnerable in this dark world. All that is in me wants to rage against the circumstances and people who have created this situation.
I know a single mom, working hard to feed, clothe and educate her three kids. She caught a cold a couple weeks ago which has become bronchitis. She has chronic reflux which prevents her from eating well. She has acquired an amoeba and a kidney infection. She got some medical care and medicines this week, yet she is struggling to understand the directions and importance of taking the eight different meds she was prescribed. I feel frustrated and helpless.
Yesterday, innocents gunned down in the safest of towns, in what should be a safe haven with trusted guardians. And we all wonder why? WHY???? When will the senseless brokenness end? We are painfully reminded of our broken and fallen world. Our illusion of safety and security is shattered. We are reminded that we were not created for this kind of life.
Anybody besides me homesick for Eden?
This month, our family, like many families, is celebrating Advent with a Jesse Tree devotional. Each day we read scriptures and hang an ornament. We are reminding ourselves of God’s story through the Bible - how He created perfection, how we chose our own way, how He pursued us and made a way for us to be reconciled to Him. The word Advent means “Coming.” We are remembering the coming of our King. We are looking back at God’s endless mercy and grace which heals our brokenness.
As I sit and ponder the things I have seen this week, I can’t help but look forward to the day when He comes again and heals our hearts forever. I look at the night sky, wondering if a new star will harken our hearts to the triumphant return of the King of Kings. I anxiously long for the trumpet to sound, for every knee to bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. I wait for the day when we will dwell together in the presence of the Lord, when He will wipe away every tear, death will be defeated, mourning will end, pain will not exist, all former things will pass away.
My heart cries out “Come, Lord Jesus.” Come and heal our hearts!!